



十月二十八日,上百名来自下东城、华埠和整个纽约的居民、工人、学生和小商户老板在市议会进行游行。在帕特里夏飓风带来的暴雨下,游行队伍穿过下东城的 Cherry Street,经过城市规划部,抵达市议会。游行者呼吁市长白思豪接受华埠工作小组的重新分组计划。这份计划能真正保护猖狂豪华高楼蔓延中变得弱势的社区群众。

2008年,东村重新分区计划通过。保护主要是白人的富裕社区的同时,主要为拉丁裔、非裔和华裔的三号社区被排除在外。自那以后,新的豪华高楼加速了士绅化进程,大规模的居民被驱逐。最显著的例子便是80层之高的 Extell Tower。为申请减税(421-a),开发商在同一栋建筑中开辟六层可负担住房,而这些租户需从另一扇门进出。下东城/华埠俨然是低收入少数族裔的逼迁原爆点。




  • 结束 421-a 减税政策(针对豪华高楼开放商的减税政策)
  • 立即停止 Ecyell 豪华高楼(227 Cheryy Street)
  • 采纳华埠工作组的重新分区计划

Chinatown and the Lower East Side are Not For Sale!

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Wednesday, October 28 at 3:30PM
Start at Cherry Street and Pike Slip | End at City Hallmarch-down-east-broadway

When New York City adopted the major East Village Rezoning in 2008, Chinatown and the Lower East Side were intentionally excluded. The wealthier white residents of the East Village got height restrictions and zoning protections for their neighborhood, while high-rise, luxury development was pushed into our community. Now the NYC Department of City Planning refuses to pass the Chinatown Working Group rezoning plan, saying it’s too “far-fetched” to give Chinatown and Lower East Side equal protection to the East Village. Will Mayor de Blasio follow Bloomberg’s racist legacy by selling out our community to luxury developers?

If the Chinatown Working Group rezoning were adopted, luxury developers like Extell would not be able to build their 80 story high-rise tower with a separate “poor door” for low-income tenants. The rezoning plan will limit the height and size of buildings, require low-income housing in every new development, and block the sale of public housing and land to developers. These measures are needed to stop skyrocketing rents and the displacement of residents and small businesses.

On Sept. 25, close to a thousand residents, workers, small businesses, students, and others from Chinatown, the LES, and across the city marched to City Hall to demand that Mayor de Blasio protect our community from displacement.

Our community has been set in motion, but we must show Mayor de Blasio that we will not stop until our community gets the equal protection we deserve. We call on everyone to join our march on Wednesday, Oct. 28!

Demand that Mayor de Blasio Protect the Lower East Side and Chinatown:

  • Stop the racist Extell luxury development
  • End the 421a tax giveaway
  • Pass the Chinatown Working Group Community Rezoning Plan
Coalition to Protect Chinatown & the Lower East Side

List in formation: 318 Restaurant Workers’Union, Action by the Lower East Side, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, Cabalito Restaurant, Chinese Staff &Workers Association, District Leader Jenifer Rajkumar, District Leader Pedro Cardi, Harlem Consumer Education Council, LaGuardia Houses Tenant Patrol, Lands End 2 Resident Association, LES Dwellers, Lower East Side Anti-Displacement Project, Mujeres y Hombres Luchadoras, National Mobilization Against Sweatshops, Orchard Street Block Association, Professor Peter Kwong from CUNY-Hunter, Project Reach, Sixth Street Community Center, Professor Juanita Díaz-Cotto from SUNY-Binghamton