Join First Chinese Presbyterian home care workers to say: Pay the Workers Now & No More 24-hour Workdays!

Home care workers at First Chinese Presbyterian have been fighting to end the 24-hour workday and for back pay for the years they worked 24-hours while only being paid 13 hours. These workers work 24-hour shifts caring for elderly, disabled and ill people who need around-the-clock care in their homes. Hundreds of workers have spoken out against the 24-hour workdays, testifying to the damage working days on end without proper rest has had on their health and their family life and how splitting 24-hour shifts into at least two shifts of 12 would help protect them, and enable them to provide proper care to those requiring it.   Despite knowing this, FCP works with insurance companies to continue the 24-hour workdays and refuses to right its wrong by paying back the workers what they are owed. Are these the values and beliefs FCP stands for? Is this how the agency treats its workers and those who receive care?   Join workers to demand FCP pay back the workers now and to call on Governor Cuomo to stop the 24-hour shifts immediately and ensure the agency and insurance companies pay back the workers.     Join home attendants and other workers!Wednesday, December 11, 11amFirst Chinese Presbyterian Home Care Agency, 30 Broad Street, New York, NY