** Press Advisory **

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Communities Protest DCP’s Refusal to Protect Communities of Color,

     Call for March to City Hall- Call on Mayor to

Protect Chinatown and Lower East Side and Stop Extell

Date: Thursday, August 20, 2015
Time: 11AM
Location: Across from 227 Cherry St (corner of Pike St)
    Since the passing of the 2008 rezoning plan that only protected the East Village while excluding Chinatown and Lower East Side, many residents and small businesses have been displaced from our communities. The Coalition to Protect Chinatown and the Lower East Side met with the Department of City Planning (DCP) on August 5th and asked the DCP to give the same protections to Chinatown and the Lower East Side, which are mixed communities of color, as given to the East Village, a majority white community. The Coalition was told that we were too ambitious and our rezoning plan could not be implemented.
On August 20, 2015, 11am, the Coalition to Protect Chinatown and the Lower East Side will hold a press conference at 227 Cherry Street where Extell is building a racist tower that will include a “poor door”. We will tell Mayor de Blasio that communities of color have had enough with the city’s racism and efforts to push us out! We will also call for a march to City Hall on September 25, 2015, from the former Pathmark site.
Coalition to Protect Chinatown & the Lower East Side
318 Restaurant Workers’ Union, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, Chinese Staff & Workers Association, District Leader Jenifer Rajkumar, District Leader Pedro Cardi, LaGuardia Houses Tenant Patrol, Lands End 2 Resident Association, Lower East Side Anti-Displacement Project, La Mujeres y Hombres Luchadoras, National Mobilization Against Sweatshops, Orchard Street Block Association,
Professor Peter Kwong from CUNY-Hunter, Project Reach, Sixth Street Community Center, Professor Juanita Díaz-Cotto from SUNY-Binghamton

工人组织劳工厅前集会 呼吁通过保护工资法案 促进劳动法实施

May 20, 2015, 01:13 AM(转载侨报报道)
【侨报讯】真正提升最低工资联盟(Coalition for a Real Minimum-Wage Increase)19日上午在州劳工厅门前集会,赞扬州长葛谟(Cuomo)近来对于劳动法缺乏执行力的认识,同时呼吁通过保护工资法案(SWEAT Bill,Securing Wages Earned Against Theft),促进劳动法实施。


Stop Wage Theft                                    工人组织在劳工厅门前集会。 (真正提升最低工资联盟提供)


美甲沙龙、餐馆、临时工、保洁等行业的工人一直不断的站出来,甚至得以改变政府决策。但是不论有没有讨得说法,工人们始终没能讨得工资,因为法 律的漏洞让雇主有机可乘,躲避法律的制裁。无良雇主通过欺瞒性的转移资产、宣布破产或者突然关门改名等,甚至可以不用赔付克扣的工资,哪怕工人赢得了劳工 厅的决议或法庭的审判。这不仅损害了很多劳工利益,也是对遵守劳动法的雇主的侵犯。劳工部也说不能帮忙讨回工资很令他们沮丧。


包厘街住客们联合起来 反对恶业主逼迁 并要求立即维修楼宇 敦促市长阻止业主继续逼迁唐人街及下东城民众

华埠包厘街83号和85号两栋大楼的27个家庭的住户们,多数已经居住超过10年甚至30年,现在开始受到逼迁。 业主Joseph Betesh of Milestone Equities拒绝续租约,还开始用法律诉讼逼迁住户,甚至截断煤气一个多月。





请紧急关注!!! 政府楼的居民 前Pathmark (樱桃街 227号)的土地上正在兴建什么?

Extell 地产公司正在兴建一栋72层的超级豪华摩天大楼,比孔子大厦高出50%。(现在听闻社区反对,放风声“改56层”。)这座摩天大楼将有790个提供给亿万富翁的豪华柏文及富豪式设施,例如:电影院、篮球场、保龄球馆、土耳其浴室和两个游泳池等等。这座摩天楼没有一个柏文是给穷人住的。摩天楼附近的政府楼正在逐渐卖给银行变成私有化,住户们很快无法继续享受原有的政府楼福利。


Extell 地产商这项发展,将引来更多的豪华大厦进入华埠下东城,不仅与社区的整体不相称,还导致地税增高,租金暴涨,更多的家庭因此被逼迁,对政府楼居民更是一个噩梦。很多人将被迫搬到离工作、学习和社区服务更远的地方。这是对大家肆意践踏的野蛮行为。


Extell 地产商的这些豪华发展是经济性种族歧视,因为他们将建另一座所谓的“经济适用房”,令社区出现“富豪门”与“穷人门”。


由几十个社区团体共同参与发展社区的华埠工作小组,今年初已经通过要限制楼宇发展的高度。在这个摩天楼的区内最高只能建35层,并且必须提供55% 的低收入住房给社区。为此,大家要共同参与和关注这项发展,要求市府停止Extell 地产商在Pathmark原址建豪华摩天楼。一切土改和发展都要在《以民为先》基础之土改方案的规范中进行。

立即行动起来!居民们签署请愿书,集合民众力量,停止Extell 地产商的摩天大楼!






唐人街及下东城反对 Extell 豪华高楼


Pathmark (樱桃街 227号)的土地上正在兴建什么?

Extell 地产公司正在兴建一栋72层的超级豪华摩天大楼,比孔子大厦高出50%。(现在听闻社区反对,放风声“改56层”。)这座摩天大楼将有790个提供给亿万富翁的豪华柏文及富豪式设施,例如:电影院、篮球场、保龄球馆、土耳其浴室和两个游泳池等等。这座摩天楼没有一个柏文是给穷人住的。摩天楼附近的政府楼正在逐渐卖给银行变成私有化,住户们很快无法继续享受原有的政府楼福利。


Extell 地产商这项发展,将引来更多的豪华大厦进入华阜下东城,不仅与社区的整体不相称,还导致地税增高,租金暴涨,更多的家庭因此被逼迁,对政府楼居民更是一个噩梦。很多人将被迫搬到离工作、学习和社区服务更远的地方。这是对穷人肆意践踏的野蛮行为。


Extell 地产商的这些豪华发展是经济性种族歧视,因为他们将建另一座所谓的“经济适用房”,令社区出现“富豪门”与“穷人门”。


由几十个社区团体共同参与发展事务的华阜工作小组,今年初已经通过要限制楼宇发展的高度。这个摩天楼的区内最高只能建35层,并且必须提供55% 的低收入住房给社区。为此,大家要共同参与和关注这项发展,要求市府停止Extell 地产商在Pathmark原址的豪华摩天楼。一切土改发展都要在《以民为先》基础之土改方案的规范中进行。

立即行动起来!居民们签署请愿书,集合民众力量,停止Extell 地产商的摩天大楼!


集会时间:中午11点正                                联络电话:212-334-2333


Workers protested this summer and called on Costco to boycott Sweatshop manufacturer Reynolds.

工人抗议抗议要求Costco 去抵制 Reynolds.

《妇女也是人》的运动组织工友们,去年7月在COSTCO 连锁店门前示威,要求COSTCO 停止出售 PACTIV 胶盒厂的血汗产品。半年过去了,COSTCO 继续出售 PACTIV 胶盒厂的血汗产品。工人们不可以接受 COSTCO 公司的冷漠,抗议COSTCO 助长血汗奴工制度的泛滥。
我们将在2015 年3月8日,三八国际妇女节的这一重要日子,组织更多的妇女、各行业工人和支持者,再次到COSTCO 连锁店大示威,从这里向血汗工厂开火,向强迫工人加班的奴工制度宣战,争取40 小时工作的权利。


示威地点:   布碌崙 三 大道 976号 的COSTCO 门前(37夹38街)
集合时间:2015年3月8日 (星期日)中午 1 时

For more info, visit www.boycottreynolds.org


Sunday, March 15, 2:30pm
@ PS 1, Chinatown / 8 Henry St.
New York, NY 10038





  多年來,我們譴責種族歧視的「東村土改計劃」,並爭取西裔社团参加「華埠工作小組」(CWG);我們最近在反对開發商豪华发展贏了一役: 在2015年1月5日,「華埠工作小組」採納了「以民为先」土改计划的重要原則。該計劃包括在政府的公共土地上建設100% 的低收入住房,东河區的发展(包括大受爭議的前Pathmark)要限制高度,要求私人地盖房提供55% 的低收入住房。更因州議會議長蕭華被捕而感到鼓舞。华裔工人带领社区争取變革,與其他社區一齊告訴市長白思豪,我們的社區是不賣的。



华人女工们取得了巨大的進步,将爭取工人權益和妇女权益的焦點集中在「時間」。我們串连了阿肯色州和新泽西州Pactiv胶盒廠的工人,她們因組織起來反對12小時工作并強制加班而被老闆打擊報復。在今年3月8日國際劳动婦女節,開展全國抵制Costco運動,要求Costco停止出售Pactiv和Reynolds公司 (胶盒廠的总公司)的血汗產品。今年五月,紀念美国工人要求每周40個小時工作权利的150週年,「婦女也是人」運動將聯同全國的學生、宗教團體和工人組織,爭取掌控制自己時間的權利。



*** 如果你的联络地址和个人情况有改变,请通知职工会(212-334-2333)

职工会地址:C.S.W.A   345 Grand St # 1W New York NY 10002

华人职工会 理事会敬启

2015 年 2 月 19 日

The Coalition for a Real Minimum Wage Increase is happy to hear that Governor Cuomo has finally announced that his administration will convene the wage board and raise the minimum wage for tipped workers, the majority of whom are women.

But we are not stopping here. We continue to to rally in front of the Department of Labor and keep up the pressure to make sure the wage board is inclusive, and to make sure Governor Cuomo and the DOL commit to enforce the law by investigating wage theft claims 6 years back and supporting the SWEAT bill to strengthen the current law and make enforcement possible.

Furthermore, we call on Governor Cuomo to raise the minimum wage to more than $8 so workers can survive and stop giving millions in subsidies to corporations for hiring teen workers.

We urge all workers and supporters to join the picket line. This is a crucial time for New Yorkers to speak out and demand Governor Cuomo take action.


Governor Cuomo: We Demand a Real Minimum Wage for All Workers

Not Second-Class Treatment, Not Corporate Welfare!

The New York State bill is a sham. It will enrich employers and corporations to the detriment of all working people. New Yorkers deserve a real wage raise, one that improves conditions for all workers.

  • The bill is too little, too late: Raising the minimum wage to only $9 over 3 years is not enough for anyone to survive on. New York’s minimum wage would be over $10.70 if it had kept up with the cost of living since 1970.
  • The bill is discriminatory against tipped workers: This bill does not include a provision to raise the minimum wage for tipped workers. It directs that decision to a Wage Board. This excludes the hundreds of thousands of tipped workers who are predominately women and people of color.  Due to increases in the cost of living, going without a raise in reality means a pay cut.  Separate is never equal.
  • The bill subsidizes Corporations to hire young workers, encouraging them to replace those who are currently employed. Businesses will receive a refundable tax credit for hiring youth aged 16-19. This encourages businesses to lower the wages of especially older workers or replace them with teenagers. It is projected to cost the public hundreds of millions of dollars every year.
  • Furthermore, the bill does not hold corporations such as Dominos Pizza, McDonalds, etc. accountable and does not put resources into enforcing the labor law.Many workers receive less than minimum wage and work long hours without overtime pay, but when they come forward, it often takes years for the Labor Department to investigate the cases. This lack of enforcement encourages employers and corporations to violate the labor law.

This bill is harmful to all working people. Hold Gov. Cuomo accountable!

We demand:

  1. The minimum wage should be increased to be at least $10/hr, indexed to inflation.
  2. Tipped workers should not be treated as second-class citizen. Tipped workers should receive a minimum-wage increase along with all other workers.
  3. Put resources into enforcement and strengthen the labor law, instead of giving millions to corporations in subsidies to hire youth to replace workers currently employed.