CSWA’S 2023 Lunar New Year Celebration!
Dear Members and Friends, Happy Year of the Rabbit! Rabbit is the symbol of luck, representing hope and prosperity. We wish you a new year of health, joy and bigger gains! We’ve had a great year of achievements, as Chinese workers led the fight against racist violence and displacement. Stop the Racist Violence Last year, Chinese women and other women of color home attendants set off the wave of actions against the racist 24-hour workdays, including rallies, sit-ins, testifying and legal actions. Fearless and determined, they pushed legislation with City Councilmember Christopher Marte to abolish the 24-hour shifts, and pressured the New York State Department of Labor to enforce the law and start investigating the huge amount of wage theft by home care agencies in those shifts—close to $40 million for just 300 workers. Ending the 24-hour workdays has become the top issue in society. The workers also care about the community: they did a big mobilization to rally against the Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) and the Chu family’s racism and displacement. Fight Against the Criminalization of Our Community Jing Fong workers, young people and other people across the board have been picketing in front of MOCA, rain or shine, calling for a boycott of the museum and other Chu family’s business. They demand the big landlord and museum co-chair Jonathan Chu reopen the big Jing Fong dining hall, and the museum return the $35 million it took for supporting the City’s new jail. When Chu and MOCA colluded with the NYPD to harass the picket line and treat the whole community as criminals, they didn’t waver. Instead, they unified the whole community to march against Chu and MOCA’s racism and criminalization. As a result, they knocked off the police’s false charges, led to the investigation of the corrupt cop, and successfully delayed the racist new jail plan in Chinatown. New Year Expectation This year, to build on our achievements, we continue to unify people regardless of age, trade or status, to pass the Chinatown Working Group Rezoning Plan that would protect the community against displacement, the “No More 24” Act to abolish the 24-hour workdays in New York City and the SWEAT bill that would stop wage theft in New York State. Let’s celebrate! We invite you and your friends and family to our Lunar New Year Celebration on Sunday, February 19, 2023 at noon. The address is 350 Grand St, across the street from CSWA. If you would like to come, please fill out the required RSVP form so that we can do headcount. Ren Quan Yang Board president, CSWA |
Condemn the Racist Violence of Memphis Police!
Recently, a video of police violence in Memphis was made public, recording the process of a Black man Nichols being brutally beaten to death by five Black policemen in the street. It caused public outcry across the United States. Chinese Staff and Workers’ Association condemned the racist violence of the Memphis police, and called on the Memphis city government to investigate why these Black police officers discriminate against and hate Black people so much, and abolish the racist policing policy in addition to disbanding SCORPION.
This violent incident is a reflection of systemic racism in the United States, which needs to be resolved systemically. The US only protects the rich and treats working people as mud, especially Blacks and other people of color. The richest people at the top and the government representing their interests used to use Whites to oppress people of color, but now they use people of color to bully and discriminate against their own race. They promote faces of people of color in various communities as “representatives” of “racial equality” to perpetuate exploitation and oppression. Inside the communities, these so-called “representatives” oppress their own groups even more. Outside, they pretend to be symbols of “progress” and “anti-racism” and act as a fig leaf for systemic racism. Like Memphis, Black policemen are used to carry out violence against black people, thinking that this way they can not be accused of racism.
Stop Racial Violence, Stop 24-Hour Workday!
Statement on AMNY’s Coverage of the “Chinzilla” Poster
On Dec 3rd, AMNY published a news article titled “Political leaders say Lower East Side fliers are hate-filled smears against local lawmakers.” The article quotes the political leaders from East Village who accused the poster on the storefront of National Mobilization Against Sweatshops (NMASS) of being racist. This poster illustrates Chinzilla–a monster with the body of Godzilla from Japanese movies, and the head of Margaret Chin, Chinese-American Council Member. The article also gives Chin a platform to say how “hurtful” she thinks the poster is.
Chin describing the poster as “hurtful” is like a thief crying out when she sees her picture on a wanted poster. Chin is notoriously known in the Chinese community as a sellout politician who carries out the City’s racist displacement agenda — benefiting rich developers and destroying Chinatown and the Lower East Side, a neighborhoodpredominantly of Chinese, Black and Latinos who work, live and operate small businesses. The “Chinzilla” poster is an accurate depiction of Chin’s destruction of our community for more than a decade, a reflection of our community’s outrage towards her racism and displacement.
Therefore, we are angry about the AMNY’s coverage that helps the smear attack from the East Village political leaders. These people who wrote the complaint about the poster are the same ones who supported the East Village Rezoning in 2008 — a protective plan against luxury high-rises for the wealthier, white neighborhood of East Village — but denied Chinatown & Lower East Side the same protection. At that time, Chin was the head of Asian Americans for Equality (AAFE) which, despite its name, ironically supported this racist rezoning plan. Our community has been calling these people out as racists or supporting racist policies.
For the last 10 years, our community has been pushing the passage of the entire Chinatown Working Group (CWG) Rezoning Plan to have the same protection as East Village. Why don’t the accusers of the poster say anything about their own racism or the racist policies against Chinese and other people of color? Why didn’t AMNY cover the protests in the Chinese community against Chin? Do they know that Chin, in response to the community’s outcry, actually doubled down her racist act by proposing to divide the CWG plan? Her proposal would protect only a small part of Chinatown and exclude Blacks, Latinos and Chinese in the Lower East Side. This caused a lot of uproar in our community.
NMASS, Chinese Staff and Workers Association (CSWA) and other organizations came together and stopped her divisive efforts. How dare AMNY and those accusers, whocome from outside neighborhood or don’t know this history, accuse NMASS of being racist without any investigation? NMASS has consistently spoken out against racism upon people of color, whether it comes from White, Chinese or other people of color, whether from sweatshop bosses or from politicians. NMASS is a teaching example for usChinese people, as it leads the fight to unify people across boundaries to speak out against racism and displacement. The “Chinzilla” poster is one example of such effort. We would like to further spread the poster at our center and on the storefront. On behalf of our community, we would also like to award the artist of the poster $1000 to continue to create art to battle racism.
To AMNY and those who criticized the poster: If you are genuine about fighting racism, you should cover and support our fight against the City’s racist displacement agenda, instead of supporting racist policies or helping amplify racist politicians’ words.
Wing Lam
Executive director
Chinese Staff and Workers Association
华人职工会 宁子舜
華人職工會 林崧
华人职工会 宁子舜
Demand Relief for Community Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic is wreaking havoc in our communities. We have already been facing a crisis caused by the City’s racist displacement agenda that has targeted communities of color. Small businesses have already been shuttering or cutting workers’ hours, while working people have been forced to double or triple up in homes, to deal with rising rents. Now, we are facing an even more rapid closure of small businesses and loss of jobs and hours. Many workers living paycheck to paycheck cannot afford to stay home and lose wages, and living in crowded conditions makes self-quarantining impossible.
We call on everyone to join us in demanding the city not use this pandemic to further displace our businesses and community member and provide relief for working people. We demand the city and state government to immediately:
1. Establish an emergency relief fund to help workers, regardless of their immigration status, who are laid off or have their hours cut as a result of the economic impact of the virus, and help workers easily obtain unemployment benefits;
2. Cut small businesses’ real estate tax or rent and/or provide rent relief for small businesses.
3. Establish medical facilities that can be easily accessed by patients to get tested and receive necessary treatment quickly and be quarantined if necessary, instead of self-quarantining.
4. Establish an emergency relief fund to help workers for lost wages when they test positive for the COVID-19 and need to be quarantined, regardless of their immigration status.
5. Demand the President issue a Disaster Declaration to include direct economic assistance to individuals.
Sign the petition to demand relief fund for workers and small businesses in response to coronavirus:
Workers Condemn Cuomo’s Veto of SWEAT Bill & His Promotion of Wage Theft (From NMASS)
On New Year’s Day, Governor Cuomo vetoed the SWEAT (Securing Wages Earned Against Theft) bill, a real stab in the back to all workers in NY. After six years of discussion and vetting of the bill by the State Senate and Assembly, which finally passed the bill last summer, Cuomo waited until the last moment to shoot it down.
By vetoing SWEAT, Cuomo encourages more wage theft, which the U.S. Labor Department estimates to be $1 billion per year in NYS. Cuomo shows his real colors: he is more concerned about protecting the property and assets of law-breaking employers than upholding the rights of workers to their wages for work they have already performed.
Workers are disappointed and furious that the Governor aids and abets criminal bosses, and leaves out in the cold workers and employers that comply with the law. By vetoing SWEAT, Cuomo remains an accomplice to criminals who steal wages from workers. For instance, he created a system in which home care workers working 24-hour shifts are paid for only 12 or 13 of those hours.
For promoting these sweatshop conditions like long hours and wage theft, workers demand that Cuomo resign. He is not fit to lead New York.
In the last few months, hundreds of workers and advocates have rallied and picketed in front of Gov. Cuomo’s N.Y. City office to urge the governor to sign SWEAT. Many of the workers spoke about winning decisions in court to the tune of $700,000, $1 million, $1.8 million–but being left with nothing but a piece of paper from court.
Without SWEAT, workers try to claim their unpaid wages, but weak laws make it easy for employers to hide and transfer their assets. Workers spend years navigating legal processes and often end up settling for a small fraction of what they are owed or end up with a judgment or order that they cannot collect on.
SWEAT would strengthen the labor law by allowing workers who have been robbed of wages to put a lien on employers’ property and freeze their assets until their claim is resolved.
We ask everyone to join us in speaking out against the Governor and demanding his resignation until he rights his wrong. We need a leader who is capable of protecting the rights of working people in this state.
Join us in upcoming protests to hold Governor Cuomo to his words that he will enact protections soon and ensure the protections are the real protections provided by the SWEAT bill A486/S2844. Please call Cuomo’s office at (518) 474-8390 to let him know that New Yorkers want an end to wage theft now!
Says Efren Caballero de Jesus, “I worked at Indus Valley for nine years. I did delivery and packing and other things. I was paid $3 an hour, and no overtime pay. In 2008 my co-workers and I went to the Labor Department to complain. The boss continued to steal our wages. We decided to sue the boss in court. We won a decision of $700,000. The boss supposedly sold the business, changing the name from Indus Valley to Manhattan Valley, but we know that it’s the same boss; they just want to avoid paying us. That’s not just. That’s why we want Gov. Cuomo to sign SWEAT.”
Next protest to urge Cuomo sign the SWEAT bill
WHEN: April 1, 2020 at 12pm
WHERE: 633 3rd Ave., in front of Cuomo’s office