On January 1st, Governor Cuomo heartlessly vetoed the SWEAT bill, showing he would rather aid and abet criminal bosses who refuse to follow the labor law, than workers. The SWEAT bill gives critically needed tools to workers and the Department of Labor to stop bosses from transferring and hiding their assets and leaving workers who corageously fight against wage theft with nothing. With this act, Cuomo is essentially undermining businesses that comply with the law and instead promoting criminal enterprises. Under his leadership wage theft has balloned to $1 billion each year. That is $1 billion dollars of workers’ SWEAT! With his veto Cuomo shows he is an accomplice to wage theft and thus a criminal himself. How can we have in office, one who protects the few over the interests of the many?
Join us again in front of Cuomo’s office, on March 2nd, to protest Cuomo’s senseless attack on working people’s lives. Demand Cuomo right his wrong and pass the SWEAT bill instead of watering it down! Don’t let Cuomo continue enabling this abuse, lets unite to put an end to wage theft.